when we think about all the 'atrocities' the GB ....<Auto Proclamed> Governing Body did, or, produce because of their writings, not always approved even by the majority of the GB, Watchtower Society should not only be banned in Russia, THIS organisation should be banned EVERYWHERE and FOREVER !!! it's so easy to tell to these peoples, who gave their lives without a long education, without revenues, ,,, go and find a job.... RIDICULOUS ....simply Twisted mind !!! Hey Mr Splane, JAckson , Lett and others.... let's go ...find a job... try to find a job... Bonne chance !!!
Totally Desabused
JoinedPosts by Totally Desabused
“Well…it was a test”, says a laid-off Bethelite
by My Name is of No Consequence ini got this account second hand.
a former bethelite was reassigned to a local congregation.
he had been at bethel for years and is now in his fifties.
Totally Desabused
Another Young JW dead during childbirth
by Lee Elder inthe latest young jehovah's witness mother to die in childbirth by following the terrible medical advice of watchtower writers.. https://www.niyitabiti.net/2017/02/nigerian-jehovah-witness-allegedly-dies-of-excess-bleeding-during-child-birth-because-church-doesnt-permit-blood-transfusion/.
Totally Desabused
About Blood Transfusion.... even Mr... no..i wont call him Mr.... so... Jeoffrey Jackson said himself during the Australian trial... : well..effectively blood transfusion was not known at that time ! ( about the time of the redaction of the Bible ) .. by the fact , we can say this, he recognized that blood transfusion is 'Another' "COMPREHENSION" ... A TERRIBLE WRONG COMPREHENSION...OR....A 'DOCTRINAL ERROR,,,AS THEY SAID IN THE 'WATCHTOWER EDITION OF February 2017, wich will be study in April !!!!